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Listening Questionaire


This is an awareness test. The “right”answers are fairly obvious, as we all really know what good listening is. These questions help you see how good a listener you are, or not. Circle the questions you answer “yes” to; these are the areas you need to focus on changing to become a better listener. Be honest with yourself for best results.


Even more effective is to ask someone who knows you well to answer these questions with you.



Listening Ability Test:


When there is a silence in the conversation, do you become uncomfortable and say something to fill the silence?


When the other person pauses and you have an idea what he is going to say, do you say it to help him out?


When someone has a problem that is troubling them, do you offer them advice right away?


When someone is sad or mad, do you get sad or mad about the thing they are mad or sad about with them?


Have you ever told someone what someone else told you in confidence?


Do you loose focus and think about other things while someone is talking?


While someone is talking, are you preparing what you are going to say next, waiting for an opening?


When someone’s mad, do you tell her to calm down, or argue with them first?


Before someone is finished talking, do you interrupt with questions?


When someone tells you something do you tell them your experience with something similar?


Do you tell people you know why they are doing or saying something?


When someone tells you something you don’t like hearing, do you immediately tell them that?


While someone is talking to listening between the words to hear what they are thinking about you?


When someone has a different opinion than you, are they wrong? 


Do you sometimes tease in order not to make a big deal about something that bothers you?


Are you uncomfortable when someone else is talking not knowing quite what to say, how to respond, or what to do with your body?


Do you know what to do or say when someone is emotional?


Do you try to listen to people while you are busy doing something else a lot?


Do you say “uh-huh” a lot?


Do you remember much of what someone has been saying, either a friend or a teacher?



Listening provides deep and long-lasting compatibility.




































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