QuanMan Concepts
This client wanted a character that he called QuanMan. The character was meant to represent a blockchain and have a hero-like quality. I tried a number of styles before we arrived at one the client liked. I stayed in 3D so that I'd be able to pose and animate the character easily.
Rather than build from scratch before knowing the goal style, I started with stock characters and modified them slightly to present some concepts only. This one is based on the Looney Tunes Martian, with a block head.

The feedback was, “More human.” So I created this suit of light energy, with a more anthropomorphic ratio, and added a face.

Using particle effects I animated his ‘active state’.

The feedback was, “More human. More high tech.” I tried this, but quickly abandoned it.

Then I figured, maybe something simple and anodized metal looking would work for a blockchain company mascot.

It was about then that the client steered me toward more of a Marvel comic hero look and stature. He cited the Silver Surfer. So I went with it.

The idea met with acceptance, but the feedback was, “Make it better.” So I brought in bright red and yellow and created this Polynesian feel.

The client asked what the staff was for. I said it was a like a high-li stick, to throw and catch blocks. The feedback was, “Add soccer shorts.” So I did.